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Parent Safeguarding Workshop

Led by Barbara Charles

EndedAtherstone Nursery School, Kings Avenue, Atherstone CV9 1JZ

Service Description

Safeguarding children is an imperative role for us all- Education, Health and Families. When we all work together it is the most effective way to keep children safe. With this in mind I have written a new Parent Safeguarding Workshop- I will discuss current risks in our local community such as radicalisation, online grooming, threats from video and online games, social media risks and parent control apps. We will look at some recent news articles where children have been exposed to online harm and how to spot the signs of concern. We will also look at how adverse experiences in childhood can affect how children develop and cope with life as they grow, and find ways to ensure children receive the best help at the right time. Does this sound like something you would like to learn more about? Then why not join my FREE one hour workshop being held at nursery? I will be running this face to face for up to 8 families, with refreshments included.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel you place please let us know at least 24 hours beforehand.

Contact Details

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